About Ethical Affiliate Programs

We've been involved in promoting affiliate programs since 1999, and managing affiliate programs since 2003.
I guess that makes us real old timers as far as online marketing and affiliate programs go. Things have changed enormously in the 20+ years we've been involved.
In the early days you were on your own, there were no websites (or even books) back then to tell you how to build a business online. There was no pay-per-click advertising. No social media sites. No blogs. No video content (YouTube didn't happen until 2005). How things have changed - you youngsters have it easy. ;-)
So Why Ethical Affiliate Programs?
Well EthicalAffiliatePrograms.com was launched in 2008 partly out of a recognition of the way the world is going and partly out of personal desires to promote good things for the planet.
We have worked with charity fund raising sites, and with environmental sites but there are already many superb sites in those areas making positive changes to the world in ways they do best. But promoting higher ethical practices in Affiliate Programs and their underlying businesses is a way we can make a positive change. From Affiliate Managers relationships with Affiliates right through to promoting the best ethical affiliate programs of companies selling products and services of benefit to the planet through our directory.
If you want to get involved, contribute, or have any feedback on the site please do contact us.
Best Regards,